Vote-by-Mail Ballot Mailouts Continue through August 10th

Sample Ballots are now available at this link: Voter Information Form

Sample Ballot Mailout is on July 29th 

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A Message from Alan Hays

Lake County's Supervisor of Elections


In this month of July, we all celebrate the founding of our nation and the bravery and commitment to freedom of those founding fathers in 1776. May we never ever take for granted the courage and the fortitude that it took for those men and women of that day to stand up boldly for the cause of freedom. Let each of us honor their sacrifice by passing on to the coming generations our respect and appreciation for those sacrifices. 

In this 24-hour news cycle world that we are living in, being an astute voter has never been more important. Election offices throughout our great state, including our own are on the forefront of a battle against election administration misinformation.

I and my team take great pride in the work that we do and, in our ability, to conduct accurate and efficient elections with transparency. For more than five years we have offered community members the opportunity to schedule a tour on Tuesdays and Thursdays, schedule permitting, of our facility. We recently held an open house event which was tremendously received by attendees.

Our desire to reach and arm more voters with facts instead of fiction was fueled by our successful open house.  The idea of a virtual tour was born and is now available on our website at Virtual Tour

There are four virtual tour segments, and I would like to encourage you to watch each one. I also want you to invite your children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, that young person next door to watch with you. Being a voter isn’t enough. We must also raise up the next generation of voters.

I’d like to thank the team of SouthLake.TV  who made this virtual option possible for our community. Our right to vote is one of our most important civil rights. Being an informed voter honors all those who gave us that right and the privileges we enjoy today.

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Supervisor of Elections.


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«July 2024»

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/ Categories: News Release

Lake County Supervisor of Elections Advises Voters of Out-of-State Voter Registration Mailings

October 17, 2019

Tavares, FL- Lake County Supervisor of Elections, Alan Hays, is warning citizens of Lake County about out-of- state
voter registration mailers from Virginia. The, has been mailing letters to many Lake
County citizens encouraging residents to register to vote. Many times these letters are being sent to people who
have been deceased for several years.

“We have no idea where this organization is acquiring their mistaken information, but if you are the unfortunate
recipient of one of those letters, please rest assured your Supervisor of Elections office has nothing to do with the
sending of those letters,” Hays commented.

“Anyone who desires to check the status of their registration is welcome to visit our website,,
or they may call our office during regular office hours at 352-343-9734 to determine the status of their
registration. We apologize for the inconvenience and for those whose emotional stress has been increased by this
ill-advised mailing,” Hays further commented.

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